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What is your Choice Success or Failure? August 27, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — youngwomenwithvoices @ 10:21 pm

Vision is the key to your success! Pay attention to how you are using your time by setting goals, within a time frame you have set, will determine which direction your life is going in! I have made up my mind to the path to SUCCESS it was PAID IN FULL!   YOU have a GOD given right and he made his option very clear! What is your choice? I like to hear from you! Email us your thoughts

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Chevonna Johnson CEO/Founder YWRAP

I heard this song by Roberta Flack “Trade Winds”  Why are we stuck in the same place?  Let us move forward and reach out to someone else yes maybe they have had a lot of Failures, but let them know in this season Success is there’s! It is time to put their vision in place.   Encourage, Empower and Enrich someone’s life with love!



Draw Me Nearer- Marlette Dixon August 23, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — youngwomenwithvoices @ 8:17 pm



True Reflections- “Let No-One DeFine You But YOU! July 10, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — youngwomenwithvoices @ 2:37 pm

The reflections of yourself will motivate you in two ways; to see your true reflection and identify who you are or let defeat get the best of you and miss the most important opportunity to have the ultimate relationship with yourself!  When the creator blew breath into your body he made YOU in his likeness.  Looking at your reflections allows you to see your greatest vision and passion for loving yourself.  You are a reflection of true beauty for the very fact the creator blew life into your body.  There is no mistake about your existence!

Your most defining moment is realizing your purpose.  The very moment you unlock the key to understanding what gifts and treasures lay within you ignites a fire and passion for living!  Understanding your purpose is the greatest awakening of your spirit within.  Defining you is the ultimate gift to YOURSELF!  This is a moment you draw a plan into action to create new strategies with greater purpose and desire to be ALIVE and to command your respect and set boundaries to define the new and improved YOU!

The awakening of self allows us to identify and draw parameters of what your needs are to accomplish and establish what belongs to YOU!  Your vision of your destiny will not be short-lived nor be stolen like a thief steals in the night.  YOU will begin to understand, and design your VISION with passion and seek strategies from Jesus to prepare YOU for your journey!  “Let No-One DeFine You But YOU!” this is the very point in your life where you become driven to achieve goals and aspirations.

Newness is a daily experience and refreshing your mind and heart with affirmations daily shake the very core of your existence.  Building your self-esteem is the most important key to understanding who you are.  Developing a relationship with yourself requires you to open your heart to yourself and feel the love that flows throw you.  Every breath you take in allows you to feel the positive flow of energy and ignite self-awareness of a strong presence from your inner being to generate love and healing to overcome obstacles that have been blocking the process.

You are the ultimate gift the glow of your spirit, youthfulness in your eyes because you were made in his likeness.  The purpose of your journey is to climb mountains and keep pressing forward no matter what it looks like, no matter what challenges you face; when you reach the top look down and remember the climb so as you continue to reach far above you may ask or think continue to reach, believe and achieve.

“Failure Is Not An Option!”  Totally defeats the purpose of aspiring to be who you wish to become to allow failure to defer your purpose is a short exchange to you and destiny.  Delaying your future will put you in direct fire of missing the mark and delays for what has been predestined for you to do.  You are beautiful and the ultimate gift is love and developing a relationship with Jesus and yourself before you can love others.


I am a true reflection of him who created me Jesus Christ!

 I am the ultimate gift of Love and I am truly Beautiful made in his likeness.

I love ME more today than yesterday and I have greatness in ME!

I am an over achiever designed with unique talents and gifts beyond what I may ask or think.

I am Beautiful and I am letting no-one define ME but ME!

Property of YWRAP 7/10/2012




Filed under: Uncategorized — youngwomenwithvoices @ 2:01 pm

Believing in yourself and all that you can achieve and  accomplish you set your mind to do is the first step of the act of Faith!  I know you are probably saying I have heard this all before and yes your father, mother, grandparents, aunts and uncles have all told me the same thing, but when you think about it I say hearing it over and over again encourages your soul.  The first step in believing in yourself starts with having faith and courage to see it through.   Once you have accepted the challenge you will need a lot of encouragement and sometimes it may feel like you have no one to rely on but you encourage yourself and renew your spirit with prayer and meditation and the creator will strengthen you and remove all obstacles.  Sometimes you may have to speak to your mountains from a depth within your soul to push and reach the top, and as you are climbing you may meet a few friends and even some enemies, but the friends are there to make sure you succeed and thank your enemies because they give you warning trouble is in the wind.   Success comes with a price but the possibilities are endless when you trust in the creator. Believe in yourself and your journey will Empower, Enrich, and Encourage you  to be propelled into your destiny.


Set a goal that is attainable within 2-3 weeks and send me a post about your SUCCESS


Be who you are exemplify him in your life and actions.

Execute task and give him continuous praise in all you do.

Love yourself and accept being loved for who you are before you can receive love from others

Interact with God in prayer always telling him what’s in your heart repent for things that you have not done.

Encourage yourself and others, be a living examples. Renew your mind daily enlighten your spirit read a scripture a day and shine your light continuously.

Virtuous young women always demand respect, Let No One Define You But You!  Work within your abilities and you will excel above all possibilities.

Empower, engage and enrich with the weapons of your talents and gifts. 
Understand your great achievement is a gift and know you are one step closer to your greatest achievements.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.   Hebrews 11:1

Chevonna Johnson


Young Women Rising Above Perceptions



Young Women With Voices March 24, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — youngwomenwithvoices @ 9:53 pm

Young Women With Voices March 14, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — youngwomenwithvoices @ 1:11 am

Welcome to young women with voices! This blog was created to speak about issues concerning you as young women. Our purpose is to give you the tools to write our vision statement, set your goals and create strategic plans to fulfill your destiny! Let No-one Define You But You!


Hello world!

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