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Believing in yourself and all that you can achieve and  accomplish you set your mind to do is the first step of the act of Faith!  I know you are probably saying I have heard this all before and yes your father, mother, grandparents, aunts and uncles have all told me the same thing, but when you think about it I say hearing it over and over again encourages your soul.  The first step in believing in yourself starts with having faith and courage to see it through.   Once you have accepted the challenge you will need a lot of encouragement and sometimes it may feel like you have no one to rely on but you encourage yourself and renew your spirit with prayer and meditation and the creator will strengthen you and remove all obstacles.  Sometimes you may have to speak to your mountains from a depth within your soul to push and reach the top, and as you are climbing you may meet a few friends and even some enemies, but the friends are there to make sure you succeed and thank your enemies because they give you warning trouble is in the wind.   Success comes with a price but the possibilities are endless when you trust in the creator. Believe in yourself and your journey will Empower, Enrich, and Encourage you  to be propelled into your destiny.


Set a goal that is attainable within 2-3 weeks and send me a post about your SUCCESS


Be who you are exemplify him in your life and actions.

Execute task and give him continuous praise in all you do.

Love yourself and accept being loved for who you are before you can receive love from others

Interact with God in prayer always telling him what’s in your heart repent for things that you have not done.

Encourage yourself and others, be a living examples. Renew your mind daily enlighten your spirit read a scripture a day and shine your light continuously.

Virtuous young women always demand respect, Let No One Define You But You!  Work within your abilities and you will excel above all possibilities.

Empower, engage and enrich with the weapons of your talents and gifts. 
Understand your great achievement is a gift and know you are one step closer to your greatest achievements.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.   Hebrews 11:1

Chevonna Johnson


Young Women Rising Above Perceptions
