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Redefining You August 23, 2013



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               Redefining You

Renew your mind, body and soul. Everyday set goals to complete
all your endeavors.
Develop and create plans for 2-3 weeks from now and command your future to line up with the most high creators plan for your life.
Everlasting commitment of love for yourself and others.
Faith is abounding and always know God has the unseen blessings in his hands.
Into his hands commit your life for his image is forever embedded in your soul.
Nature allows us to become naturally in tune with our whole being.
Inspire yourself and be an inspiration to others as the almighty has encouraged you.
Never neglect the gift that is in you for the awesome creator of the heavens above knows your talents, gifts and natural beauty inside and out.
Give your all and do it with grace, giving your whole heart, mind, body and spirit.

The one thing about transformation is that as we go through the process of metamorphosis God allows us to be shielded.  He shields us in under his wings so that nothing will disturb our transformation.    Even the caterpillar before it wraps itself in a cocoon is considered to be ugly, annoying, but yet it has an exceptional distinct beauty about him.  Even though he continues along it journey inching along storing up food and becoming prey for the fowl of the air, she still continues to prepare for huge transformation.  The caterpillar knows that deep within her as she prepares for her destiny that something wonderful and unique is about to take place.  No matter what is happening in your life at this very moment, second and day keep moving forward taking one step at a time.  Prepare your vision statement and keep focused on what you see for your future, set goals and take the necessary steps to make sure you are meeting short and long term goals.  Finally, always make sure you have a strategic plan in place and that is moving forward and that if you need to shift a few things around to make sure the you are dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s to double check your goals to be on target and on time for your destiny to align with heaven and earth.


The greatest gift that you can ever give to yourself is “To Be True To Thine Own Self Be True”!  No matter what you do in this life you are responsible for your TIME.  No one will have to be accountable, but YOU!  The one thing you must be mindful of is your TIME!  Ask yourself what are you doing with your time?  The most successful tool in life is Time Management.  Ask yourself where are you spending your time, how can I use my time wisely, and what does success really mean to YOU?


As you are thinking about the new school year make sure you are considering your DESTINY!   For some of you this is the last year of high school and you are asking yourself how will I make a difference for my future tomorrow?  My answer create a plan to move forward and prepare for your destiny.  For those, entering lower grades time is in your favor use this time to make a change in your life and make this moment in time be on a collision course with your destiny make a plan, write a vision use, your time wisely and always double check your goals to make sure strategic plans are in place to collide with your greatest metamorphosis yet.

Chevonna Johnson/CEO-Founder YWRAP   631-521-7699 Office



3 Responses to “Redefining You”

  1. Nicollette Johnson Says:

    Awesome! Keep pushing and inspiring our young women. Prepare them to meet life head on. With God leading their way they will succeed in every endeavor.

  2. janaiswilliams Says:

    It’s good. I like it

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